Smart locks are becoming more and more popular and many homeowners prefer them over traditional locks not only because they offer a better way to keep their home safe but mostly because they don’t have to worry about losing their keys or forgetting to lock up the door.
Mobile Locks
Use your smartphone device as the key your door. A dedicated app provides access to the smart lock and by that you can control it remotely to lock and unlock your home without having physical keys.
Keep in mind that anyone with access to your phone could also gain access your home, so it’s highly important to keep your phone secure and have it locked with a passcode.

Keypad Locks
Keypad locks are a great choice for those who don’t want to use their smartphone as a key or don’t have one.
By entering a digital code it dismiss the use of a physical and making them useful in situations where multiple people need access such as apartment buildings or offices where visitors come often.

Biometric Locks
Biometric locks use fingerprint recognition technology in order to give secure entry into a property. These locks require an exact match of your fingerprints before allowing entry which makes them much more secure than any other lock.
Biometric locks are much more expensive than other smart locks and may need some maintaining and cleaning so they can read fingerprints easily.

Popular Smart Locks
There is a variety of smart lock options available for different types of doors including wireless models that require hubs as well as traditional looking deadbolts with keypads built-in.
Popular choices include Bluetooth models which pair easily with smartphones and feature notifications when someone opens the door or if battery power is running low.
Wi-Fi models can be controlled over the internet and are compatible with Alexa and Apple HomeKit are very convenient and idle for access points around the house or offices.