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I Need A Key Fob Reprogrammed! What Do I Do?

A key fob is a small wireless remote that provides keyless access to cars. It operates through radio waves to communicate with a receiver that installed in the car and it lock and unlock the car doors from a distance, it can also trigger the alarm system.

Who Can Reprogram a Key Fob?

The process of reprogramming a key fob involves configuring it to communicate with the car receiver. 

Car dealerships and inexpedient automotive locksmiths can reprogram your key fob, they use special tools and software to switch the fob into programming mode which allows them to reset the encryption and match it to the car security system. 

This service is useful when a key fob is lost or damaged. Experienced locksmiths posses the knowledge to handle a wide range of key fobs from simple models to more advanced ones with enhanced security features.

How Much Does It Cost To Reprogram A Key Fob?

It is really depend on different factors including the make, model, how complex of the key fob and if it is done at a dealership or by an independent locksmith. 

Prices can range from $50 to over $200. Dealerships are a more expensive and charge between $100 to $200 while independent locksmiths might offer lower price ranging from $50 to $100 especially if it’s a standard key fob that requires less sophisticated programming. 

Modern luxury cars require special equipment for reprogramming which can add to the cost.

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