Keys have made a long way since their invention especially car keys that have evolved significantly from simple metal keys into sophisticated electronic devices with better security features.
Metal Car Keys
These are the oldest type of car keys and thay have been used since car keys were first invented. These metal keys are physically fit into the ignition switch and turn to start the car.
No electronic components just purely mechanical operation. This type of key offers basic security through unique cuts and consider relatively easy to duplicate and manipulate.
Transponder Keys
Introduced in the mid 1990s these keys contain a small chip in the head of the key that send signal to the car immobilizer system and will only start if the chip transmits the correct signal which makes it harder to steal a car. This technology prevents the engine from starting without the specific coded key.

Switchblade Keys
These keys have a foldable metal key blade that flips out from the fob with the press of a button which remind of a switchblade. Usually combined with a micro chip similar to transponder key.
Car Key Fobs
Car key fobs allow drivers to lock and unlock their cars with just a press of a button. They are operated by a coded radio signal. These fobs offers high level of security and are very expensive to duplicate.

Valet Keys
Valet keys allow limited access to your car by only allowing the door locks and ignition system to be operated while preventing access to the glove compartment or trunk making sure that your belongings stay secure while being serviced by valets.
Laser Cut Keys
Also known as sidewinder keys because of the pattern cut into both sides of the key blade. These keys are very difficult to copy, they also have a transponder chip and they are the most secure car keys out there.